home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /*
- HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix
- Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Important notes:
- - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing
- emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons.
- This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it.
- Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com
- */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* File: URL catch .h */
- /* Author: Xavier Roche */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* Internal engine bytecode */
- // Fichier intercepteur d'URL .c
- /* specific definitions */
- /* specific definitions */
- #include "htsbase.h"
- #include "htsnet.h"
- #include "htslib.h"
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #if HTS_WIN
- #else
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #endif
- /* END specific definitions */
- /* dΘfinitions globales */
- #include "htsglobal.h"
- /* htslib */
- /*#include "htslib.h"*/
- /* catch url */
- #include "htscatchurl.h"
- // URL Link catcher
- // 0- Init the URL catcher with standard port
- // catch_url_init(&port,&return_host);
- HTSEXT_API T_SOC catch_url_init_std(int* port_prox,char* adr_prox) {
- T_SOC soc;
- int try_to_listen_to[]={8080,3128,80,81,82,8081,3129,31337,0,-1};
- int i=0;
- do {
- soc=catch_url_init(&try_to_listen_to[i],adr_prox);
- *port_prox=try_to_listen_to[i];
- i++;
- } while( (soc == INVALID_SOCKET) && (try_to_listen_to[i]>=0));
- return soc;
- }
- // 1- Init the URL catcher
- // catch_url_init(&port,&return_host);
- HTSEXT_API T_SOC catch_url_init(int* port,char* adr) {
- char h_loc[256+2];
- if (gethostname(h_loc,256)==0) { // host name
- SOCaddr server;
- int server_size=sizeof(server);
- t_hostent* hp_loc;
- t_fullhostent buffer;
- // effacer structure
- memset(&server, 0, sizeof(server));
- if ( (hp_loc=vxgethostbyname(h_loc, &buffer)) ) { // notre host
- // copie adresse
- SOCaddr_copyaddr(server, server_size, hp_loc->h_addr_list[0], hp_loc->h_length);
- if ( (soc=socket(SOCaddr_sinfamily(server), SOCK_STREAM, 0)) != INVALID_SOCKET) {
- SOCaddr_initport(server, *port);
- if ( bind(soc,(struct sockaddr*) &server,server_size) == 0 ) {
- SOCaddr server2;
- int len;
- len=sizeof(server2);
- // effacer structure
- memset(&server2, 0, sizeof(server2));
- if (getsockname(soc,(struct sockaddr*) &server2,&len) == 0) {
- *port=ntohs(SOCaddr_sinport(server)); // rΘcupΘrer port
- if (listen(soc,10)>=0) { // au pif le 10
- SOCaddr_inetntoa(adr, 128, server2, len);
- } else {
- #ifdef _WIN32
- closesocket(soc);
- #else
- close(soc);
- #endif
- }
- } else {
- #ifdef _WIN32
- closesocket(soc);
- #else
- close(soc);
- #endif
- }
- } else {
- #ifdef _WIN32
- closesocket(soc);
- #else
- close(soc);
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return soc;
- }
- // 2 - Wait for URL
- // catch_url
- // returns 0 if error
- // url: buffer where URL must be stored - or ip:port in case of failure
- // data: 32Kb
- HTSEXT_API int catch_url(T_SOC soc,char* url,char* method,char* data) {
- int retour=0;
- // connexion (accept)
- if (soc != INVALID_SOCKET) {
- T_SOC soc2;
- struct sockaddr dummyaddr;
- int dummylen = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
- while ( (soc2=accept(soc,&dummyaddr,&dummylen)) == INVALID_SOCKET);
- /*
- #ifdef _WIN32
- closesocket(soc);
- #else
- close(soc);
- #endif
- */
- soc = soc2;
- /* INFOS */
- {
- SOCaddr server2;
- int len;
- len=sizeof(server2);
- // effacer structure
- memset(&server2, 0, sizeof(server2));
- if (getpeername(soc,(struct sockaddr*) &server2,&len) == 0) {
- char dot[256+2];
- SOCaddr_inetntoa(dot, 256, server2, sizeof(server2));
- sprintf(url,"%s:%d", dot, htons(SOCaddr_sinport(server2)));
- }
- }
- /* INFOS */
- // rΘception
- if (soc != INVALID_SOCKET) {
- char line[1000];
- char protocol[256];
- line[0]=protocol[0]='\0';
- //
- socinput(soc,line,1000);
- if (strnotempty(line)) {
- if (sscanf(line,"%s %s %s",method,url,protocol) == 3) {
- char url_adr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- char url_fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- // mΘthode en majuscule
- int i,r=0;
- url_adr[0]=url_fil[0]='\0';
- //
- for(i=0;i<(int) strlen(method);i++) {
- if ((method[i]>='a') && (method[i]<='z'))
- method[i]-=('a'-'A');
- }
- // adresse du lien
- if (ident_url_absolute(url,url_adr,url_fil)>=0) {
- // Traitement des en-tΩtes
- char loc[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- htsblk blkretour;
- memset(&blkretour, 0, sizeof(htsblk)); // effacer
- blkretour.location=loc; // si non nul, contiendra l'adresse vΘritable en cas de moved xx
- // Lire en tΩtes restants
- sprintf(data,"%s %s %s\r\n",method,url_fil,protocol);
- while(strnotempty(line)) {
- socinput(soc,line,1000);
- treathead(NULL,NULL,NULL,&blkretour,line); // traiter
- strcatbuff(data,line);
- strcatbuff(data,"\r\n");
- }
- // CR/LF final de l'en tΩte inutile car dΘja placΘ via la ligne vide juste au dessus
- //strcatbuff(data,"\r\n");
- if (blkretour.totalsize>0) {
- int len=(int)min(blkretour.totalsize,32000);
- int pos=strlen(data);
- // Copier le reste (post Θventuel)
- while((len>0) && ((r=recv(soc,(char*) data+pos,len,0))>0) ) {
- pos+=r;
- len-=r;
- data[pos]='\0'; // terminer par NULL
- }
- }
- // Envoyer page
- sprintf(line,CATCH_RESPONSE);
- send(soc,line,strlen(line),0);
- // OK!
- retour=1;
- }
- }
- } // sinon erreur
- }
- }
- if (soc != INVALID_SOCKET) {
- #ifdef _WIN32
- closesocket(soc);
- /*
- WSACleanup();
- */
- #else
- close(soc);
- #endif
- }
- return retour;
- }
- // Lecture de ligne sur socket
- void socinput(T_SOC soc,char* s,int max) {
- int c;
- int j=0;
- do {
- unsigned char b;
- if (recv(soc,(char*) &b,1,0)==1) {
- c=b;
- switch(c) {
- case 13: break; // sauter CR
- case 10: c=-1; break;
- case 9: case 12: break; // sauter ces caractΦres
- default: s[j++]=(char) c; break;
- }
- } else
- c=EOF;
- } while((c!=-1) && (c!=EOF) && (j<(max-1)));
- s[j++]='\0';
- }